Startright Pre-School Newsletter May 2024

Dear Parent/ Carer

Thank you for your support and cooperation as we have moved over to our new invoicing system. Don’t forget all Summer term fees should now be paid as per our terms and conditions.

We are noticing more and more clothing coming in to Pre-School un-named. Please ensure all clothes and equipment is clearly labelled so we know who it belongs to. Some children do not have any spare clothes – as we sometimes get a little bit messy please send a named bag of clothes in every day.

As the weather is finally improving we ask that you put sunscreen on your children before they come to Pre-School.

We will soon be sending out our annual parent questionnaire. Please keep an eye on your emails as your feedback is hugely important to us.
Many thanks

Mrs BJ

Happy Birthday

A big Happy Birthday to Cillian, Reeva and Dian who are celebrating birthdays this month – we hope you have a great day celebrating with your friends.

Pre-School Photography

We are pleased to welcome back our Pre-School photographer Mary Hennessy on Wednesday 8th May.

If your child does not usually attend on this day but you would like to have their graduation photo taken, please speak to a member of the team to arrange a suitable time to pop in.


We are delighted to welcome Marnie and Rafif to Startright Pre-School – we hope you are both very happy here.


If your child wears a nappy please ensure you send in spare nappies and not pull-ups. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Maths Club

If you have older children looking for support with Maths then why not sign them up to our Maths Club? Our qualified Maths teacher Alison can help with homework and tutoring and cover both primary and secondary topics. Please get in touch for more information.