Autumn has arrived! We hope you have all settled well into the Pre-School routine and your children love coming in to see us every day – we certainly look forward to seeing their smiling faces when they walk through the door. We have a busy month ahead with a visit to the local post office and Parents Evening to look forward to.
We are also planning a ‘Grandparents Morning’ shortly after half term so please look out for the date announcement.
If you need to get in touch with Mrs BJ please use the following contact details:
Telephone: 07903 565246 Email: buzy_kidz@hotmail.com
Parents Evening
We will be holding an evening for you to come in to meet with your child’s key person to discuss how they have settled in, their progress journals and next steps. A time sheet will shortly be posted on the front door of Pre-School so please choose a convenient time to pop in to see us.
Lunch boxes
We promote healthy eating at Pre-School so please avoid sending in sugary snacks, drinks and chocolate in your child’s lunch box. If you’re looking for inspiration the following website has some great ideas: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/school-packed-lunch-inspiration
Don’t forget to label everything your child brings in to Pre-School every day. This includes water bottles, shoes, coats and wellie boots.
Fees are due at the beginning of each term and you will be sent an invoice at the start of term which will show the amounts due. The invoice can be paid monthly, half-termly or termly. All late payments will attract a 10% fee. Please speak to Mrs BJ if you have any queries.
Pre-School finishes at 12pm (morning session) and 3.00pm (afternoon session) sharp. If you are late collecting your child we will be charging a late fee of £5 for every 5 minutes as we need to pay for a staff member to remain on the premises with your child. If you are running late please call Mrs BJ as soon as you can.
Weekly Themes
7th October – My Favourite Toy
14th October – My Favourite Story
21st October – Halloween/ Diwali
28th October – HALF TERM (no Pre-School)
Dates for your Diary
Autumn Term 2019
First Half Term Wednesday 4th September – Friday 25th October 2019
Wednesday 16th October – Visit to the Post Office
Wednesday 23rd October – Parents Evening (6-7pm)
Half Term Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November 2019
Second Half Term Monday 4th November – Wednesday 18th December
Christmas Holiday Thursday 19th December – Monday 6th January 2020