Dear Parent/ Carer
Happy New Year!
We had the best end to 2023 as we finally moved into our fabulous new home! We are all excited to see what 2024 brings.
For those of you who are applying for reception places for September 2024 please don’t forget the closing date is 15th January.
A number of funded children will need to pay the the top up consumables fee at the start of the term. Please speak to me directly if you have any questions.
We are looking for a small storage shed to be placed outside the front of the building so that pushchairs can be stored inside ready for pick-up. If you are looking to re-home one please let me know.
We look forward to seeing you all next week,
Many thanks
Mrs BJ
A big happy birthday to Victoria who turned 3 at the end of December. We hope you had a lovely day celebrating. We have two birthdays to celebrate in January; Paisley and Sidra who will be turning 4.
Pre-School Spaces
We have limited spaces available for new starters. If your friend is looking for a Pre-School space please give them our details as we’d love to show them around.
We have lots of children in Pre-School and at the end of every day we want to be able to return the correct items to the right child. Please ensure you label everything you bring into Pre-School including clothes. lunchboxes, bottles and shoes.
If your child brings in grapes in their packed lunch please ensure you cut them in half for safety reasons.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Themes of the Month
8th – 12th Jan – Settling In
15th – 19th Jan – Alphabet Fun
22nd – 26th Jan – Winter Animals
29th Jan – 2nd Feb – Storytelling Week
Cold Weather
We are all enjoying our outside space and now we have even more free-flow in to the garden. The weather is now very cold so please remember hats and gloves as well as a nice warm coat.