Dear Parent/ Carer
With Summer finally arriving please remember to put sunscreen on your children before they arrive at Pre-School everyday as we will be enjoying time outside.
We also have some exciting adventures planned to tie in our current topics. We are looking at ‘Transport’ next week and extend the children’s learning, we will be taking them on a train in a small groups.
On week commencing 19th June our topic is ‘Deep Blue Sea’ and we will be visiting Pets at Home in Watford to look at all the wonderful fish.
Please pop a reminder in your diary for Sports Day on 20th July. The children have been practicing and more details will be shared in our July newsletter.
A polite reminder to collect your child on time at the end of their session. Some of our team have their own children to collect from school and are not able to stay and wait for you to arrive. Pick up is by 12noon or 3pm.If you are later than this a late fee will be applied to your account.
We look forward to seeing you back at Pre-School on Monday 5th June.
Mrs BJ and the Pre-School Team
A big happy birthday to Raissa, Aliyah and Kaique who are celebrating birthdays in this month. We hope you all have fun celebrating.
We would like to welcome Kimaayra to Pre-School this term – we hope you settle quickly and make lots of friends!
Pre-School Photos
Mary Hennessy, our Pre-School photographer, is coming in to take photos of the children on 14th June. If your child does not usually attend on this day and you would like to have a photo of them please speak to a member of the team and we can arrange a suitable time for you to pop in.
Monthly Themes
5th – 9th June – Junk Modelling and Transport
12th – 16th June – The Beach and Sandcastles
19th – 23rd June – Sea/ Oceans/ Deep Blue Sea
26th – 30th June – Summer Holiday
We are receiving a number of complaints from neighbours living in the cottages. Please remember there is NO parking outside Pre-School. This includes dropping off and picking up. Please use the FREE carpark at Kemp Place car park.