The summer holidays are over and we are all excited to get back to Pre-School! We are looking forward to seeing the children who were with us last year and can’t wait to welcome lots of new faces too.
In this monthly newsletter we give details of what you can look forward to in the month ahead as well as sharing lots of useful information and reminders. Please look out for the newsletter on the 1st of every month.
If you need to get in touch with Mrs BJ please use the following contact details:
Telephone: 07903 565246
Email: buzy_kidz@hotmail.com
See you at Pre-School soon 🙂
Declaration Form
A ‘Parent Declaration Form’ is linked below for ALL funded children. Please complete the form and return to Pre-School on your child’s first day.
Follow Us
We update our social media pages regularly with news, events and reminders so please make sure you follow us to keep informed about what is going on at Pre-School.
Don’t forget to label everything your child brings in to Pre-School every day. This includes water bottles, shoes, coats and wellie boots.
Fees are due at the beginning of each term and you will be sent an invoice at the start of term which will show the amounts due. The invoice can be paid monthly, half-termly or termly.
All late payments will attract a 10% fee. Please speak to Mrs BJ if you have any queries.
For those of you that drive to drop off/ pick up please do not park on the road directly outside the Pre-School building – there are lots of children coming in and out of the building and we want to keep them safe. There is ample parking on surrounding roads and a huge free carpark in Kemp Place.
Pre-School finishes at 12pm (morning session) and 3.00pm (afternoon session) sharp. If you are late collecting your child we will be charging a late fee of £5 for every 5 minutes as we need to pay for a staff member to remain on the premises with your child. If you are running late please call Mrs BJ as soon as you can.
Weekly Themes
2nd September – Settling In
9th September – My Nursery
16th September – My Emotions
23rd September – My Family/ Who I Live With
30th September – My Home
Dates for your Diary
Autumn Term 2019
First Half Term
Tuesday 3rd September – inset day
Wednesday 4th September – Friday 25th October 2019
Half Term Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November 2019
Second Half Term
Monday 4th November – Wednesday 18th December
Christmas Holiday Thursday 19th December – Monday 6th January 2020